Employee Survey Dashboard Made Easy

Build a custom employee survey dashboard with Appsmith, simplifying data collection and analysis for better team insights.

Employee Survey Dashboard

Thousands of businesses scale faster and more efficiently by building on Appsmith.


What are the common features of an employee survey dashboard?

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An employee survey dashboard typically includes features like survey creation, response collection, data analysis, and report generation. It allows you to create custom surveys, collect responses in real-time, analyze the data, and generate insightful reports. With Appsmith, you can build these features effortlessly. For instance, you can create a survey form using Appsmith's form widget, collect responses using the database of your choice, analyze the data using Appsmith's chart widget, and generate reports using the table widget.

Why build an employee survey dashboard instead of buying one?

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Building your own employee survey dashboard with Appsmith gives you the flexibility to customize it according to your specific needs. Unlike off-the-shelf solutions, you are not bound by the limitations of the tool. You can integrate it with your existing systems, add or remove features as needed, and ensure it fits perfectly with your workflow. Plus, it's cost-effective and fun to build!

What are the challenges of building an employee survey dashboard?

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Building an employee survey dashboard can be challenging, especially if you're not a developer. You need to design the survey, set up a database to store responses, create a system for analyzing the data, and generate reports. However, with Appsmith, these challenges are significantly reduced. Appsmith's intuitive interface and pre-built widgets make it easy for both technical and non-technical users to build powerful dashboards.

Which teams use employee survey dashboard the most?

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Employee survey dashboards are primarily used by HR teams to gather and analyze employee feedback. However, they can also be used by management teams to make informed decisions based on employee feedback. With Appsmith, any team can easily build and use an employee survey dashboard.

Why Appsmith for employee survey dashboard?

Customizable Survey Dashboard

With Appsmith, you can build a fully customizable survey dashboard. Use pre-built widgets to create forms, collect responses, analyze data, and generate reports.

Seamless Data Integration

Appsmith allows you to seamlessly integrate your survey dashboard with various databases and third-party APIs. Collect responses in real-time and analyze data effortlessly.

User-friendly Interface

Appsmith's user-friendly interface makes it easy for anyone to build a survey dashboard. No need for extensive coding knowledge or hiring professional developers.

Do magic with widgets

Form Widget for Survey Creation

Use the Form widget to create custom surveys. Collect responses in a structured format and store them in your preferred database.

Chart Widget for Data Analysis

Analyze survey responses using the Chart widget. Visualize data in various formats like bar, line, and pie charts for better insights.

Table Widget for Report Generation

Generate insightful reports using the Table widget. Display survey results in a structured format and share them with your team.

Discount management dashboard with Appsmith


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