Inline editing in the table widget, integration with Airtable, and more

Vihar Kurama
Posted by Vihar KuramaPublished on Aug 02, 2022
4 min read
SEO | Inline editing in the table widget, integration with Airtable, and more

In July, we squashed 102 of the peskiest bugs and shipped 34 top requested features over and above under-the-hood performance and usability improvements. There’s a new table widget that’s so much more powerful, an Airtable integration, and cleaner Google Sheets queries with 178 commits in 22 days just for that enhancement alone! You can tell we have got our ears close to you. Keep it coming, guys. We love it all, and we are always listening.


The swanky new table widget

Fact: Just 25% of you tell us who you are and how you use Appsmith. We are okay with that. We respect your privacy. ‍Assertion: Our usage numbers should be 4X more. Inference: When we say the Table widget, ever since we launched it, has been used a crazy 820,000 times by 6,840 users, we actually mean it's been used a lot more and is second only to the Button. Takeaway: Give it more love.

Introducing the new Table widget

Everything you asked for from the table and more is packed into this massive update. Here’s three that should make you sit up.

  • With inline editing, you can now forget about writing queries to edit data by cell, row, or column. You just get your data into the table and edit on the screen. We heavylift the queries, updating the database, and making sure it sticks–all behind the scenes. Clicksaver? Lifesaver? Timesaver? All three and more? We think so, too.

  • You know how you have always wanted to refer to custom column names more naturally than typing customColumn1, customColumn2, and so on in your queries? Yep. Done. No matter what the name of your column, reference away just as naturally as you name them.

  • Themes have been making apps pretty for a while, but Tables stayed rebelliously aloof from that prettiness. We have now made them fall in line with Themes, so if you want shades of blue and Roboto, you got it in Tables, too.

There’s a whole lot more that you are going to have to see for yourself.

Airtable integration, out in the sun

Our Airtable integration gave UI facelifts to the low-code datasource. It is now out of beta, ready for its moment in the sun.

Connect with a Airtable base in two minutes, and start building your apps without worrying about complex data workflows.

Auto-indent here to make a dent

On our latest version? Tried the JavaScript editor yet? No? Do that now and you don’t have to read on anymore. 

Oh, okay. You are still here. Fine. We will show you.

Automatically pretty code is pretty cool, huh? More about it here.


“Hide Error Messages, Hide”

Infuriating little things, error messages, that bring up existential questions, right? And when they showed up all the time, they got us to, “Frustrating!”. They don’t anymore, only showing up when a widget is visible and clicked.

“How much to upgrade?”

Got your Appsmithing going, but a paid feature’s in your way? Fret not, self-hoster. We got your back with a command-line feature that estimates your usage in thirty seconds. Click this and all shall be revealed.

Run any Appsmith branch locally

With something like ./scripts/ chore/local-testingrunning any branch as a FAT container is a breeze. Make sure Docker’s installed and running, port 80 is open, and you add arguments if you don’t want to run the release branch.

Errors, alerts, and logs

Two new modules, logger.js and mailer.js now store backup errors and alert you to them—helpful to get you on top of the error and aid find-and-fix.

While logger.js is on by default, mailer.js needs appsmithctl backup --error-mail to get humming.

Just two of the many, many ways we got your back(up).

Moving Google Sheets to UQI 

Google Sheets is a popular data source. We didn’t dig up numbers, but you can take out word for it. UQI stands for Unified Query Interface and affords standardization for queries. Made sense to get queries to Sheets working better and looking neater, too.


If wishes were fishes, round-ups would be essays. Wishes aren’t fishes. So, head over to v1.7.9 if you closed our Release Notes in-app pop-up one of four different ways—yeah, we are fixing it—and see What Happened In July Appsmith style.

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